August 31, 2020 @ 12:19 PM


Why is it so important to focus when driving?


I would like to tell you that you need to be focused on driving 100% of the time when behind the wheel, but that is just not possible.  We are human – occasionally our attention moves to something else and we lose focus.  Having said that, it is critical to stay focused on driving when behind the wheel and the best way to do this is to focus on the things that make you a safe, defensive driver.


There is SO MUCH going on around you when you are driving, here are some of the main things you should focus on:

  • Focus on your safe driving habits
  • Focus on other drivers and pedestrians
  • Focus on signs and lines
  • Focus on crosswalks and markings on the roads
  • Focus on which lane you should be in and the types of intersections ahead
  • Focus on what is coming up behind you
  • Focus on your speed

As you can see, there is so much to focus on when driving so if you continually focus on the things that will make you a safer driver, your mind won’t have time to wander and you’re less likely to focus on other things.

Be aware of some of the things that easily distract you when behind the wheel, causing you to lose focus:

  • DO NOT focus on your cell phone (calls or texts) or radio/playlist
  • DO NOT focus on a nice old car or a cute puppy on the sidewalk
  • DO NOT focus on what your passengers are doing or not doing
  • DO NOT focus on figuring out cruise control or setting the GPS
  • DO NOT focus on eating or drinking
  • DO NOT focus on your upcoming plans, your rough day, or emotions (good or bad)
  • DO NOT focus on anything for more than 2 seconds – keep your eyes and your mind moving!



There are so many other things that you should not be focused on when driving so I will leave the list at the above, most common distractions that cause drivers to lose focus.  An easy way to help you stay focused on the task at hand when driving is to keep your eyes moving:

  1. In the city, keep your eyes moving 12-15 seconds down the road, moving them from sidewalk to sidewalk.  This allows you to respond to what you see coming up in plenty of time.
  2. Check your mirrors every 5-8 seconds so you have a good idea of what is happening around your vehicle at all times.

Remember that taking your eyes off the road to look at a distraction could be deadly.  Crashes happen in a split second which is why it is so important to always focus on driving when behind the wheel!