January 31, 2020 @ 9:34 AM


What should I know about turning left at a light?


Left turns could be the most dangerous turns you will ever make!  Be sure to focus, take your time, and ensure you make the turn safely! 

To make a safe left turn when there is no left turn lane, be sure to use your left indicator as you approach the intersection to tell the drivers behind you that you will be turning.  Then:

1.    If the light is green and there is NO car in the intersection, SCAN the intersection to ensure it is safe to proceed, then enter the intersection – ensure nobody is running the light on your left or right. Then:

  • Slowly creep into the intersection, looking for oncoming traffic.
  • If there is no on-coming traffic, shoulder check left looking for pedestrians, check traffic again, eyes on your turn and complete your turn, turning into the innermost lane.
  • If there is on-coming traffic, remain in the intersection until you have a safe gap – shoulder check left looking for pedestrians, then double check your gap to ensure on-coming traffic did not speed up – eyes on your turn and complete your turn, turning into the innermost lane.



2.    If the light is green and there is already a car in the intersection waiting to make a left turn, stop before the stop line.  Once you see the car in front of you complete their turn:

  • Check the light to ensure it is still green.
  • SCAN the intersection before proceeding into it.
  • If there is no on-coming traffic again, shoulder check left looking for pedestrians, check traffic, eyes on your turn and complete your turn, turning into the innermost lane.
  • If there is on-coming traffic, remain in the intersection until you have a safe gap – shoulder check left looking for pedestrians, then double check your gap to ensure on-coming traffic did not speed up – eyes on your turn and complete your turn, turning into the innermost lane.
  • If you look at the light and see that it has turned yellow or red, your stop at the stop line was perfect!  You will need to wait for the next light cycle to make your turn.



3.    If you are in the intersection waiting to make a left turn and the light turns red – DO NOT PANIC!  Don’t just make the      turn because the light has changed, this is how MANY accidents happen.  Remain in the intersection until it is safe to proceed and the on-coming traffic has stopped, then should check for pedestrians, check traffic again, eyes on your turn and complete your turn, turning into the innermost lane.  You may need to complete your turn on a red light, but this is better than pulling out in front of an on-coming car.  Don’t rush – safely wait for traffic to clear before proceeding.

4.    If the light is red, stop before the stop line and once the light turns green, follow the above steps to complete your left turn safely.

Remember, people are not just running yellow lights, but are sometimes rushing to get through red lights!!

Take your time – slow down – STAY SAFE!