March 23, 2018 @ 9:26 AM

Right on Red?


Can you make a right turn on a red light?


Yes, you can, when it is SAFE and LEGAL.       



At a red light – read the intersection as you are coming up to it, looking at 3 things:

  1. Traffic
  2. Traffic light
  3. Pedestrians
  4. Anything moving (cyclists, rollerbladers, runners, skateboarders, etc.)
  • Coming up to the intersection, check your rear-view mirror, indicator on, and nice smooth stop before the stop line.
  • Look left and right, checking for pedestrians in the crosswalk.  If no pedestrians, “creep” forward while glancing to your left until you have a good view (about ½ a block down the road).  When no one is coming, right shoulder check (watch for cyclists, rollerbladers, runners, skateboards, etc.), glance back to the left to ensure you are still clear (in case a car is now approaching), then eyes on the turn and away you go.  Always turn into the closest lane.
  • If you are rushing the turn, it is NOT a safe turn.