January 27, 2018 @ 3:47 PM

T Intersection


Do you have to come to a full stop at a stop sign?




Although it is the law, a lot of drivers will not stop before the white line but rather drive over it and continue onwards. I’ve heard many times “if I stop at the stop line I can’t see what is coming from my left". I understand the argument but how about the lad on the skateboard coming down the sidewalk from your right. If you don't stop at the stop line you could hit the skateboarder because he didn’t stop either. The reason the stop line is there is so we stop and check the crosswalk, then we creep forward to check traffic.


Stop before the stop line

Check for pedestrians/skateboarders, bikes

If no one there then creep forward

When no traffic is coming, continue your left turn or go straight through, if you are turning right, perform a right shoulder check and look to your left and with eyes on the turn, safely proceed.


ICBC Handbook “Learn to Drive Smart” pages 41-42